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  • Ruth Bader Ginsburg


    Directors: Julie Cohen / Betsy West
    Release Date: 2018/01/21
    Lead Actors: Ruth Bader Ginsburg / Bill Clinton / Orrin G. Hatch / Rush Limbaugh / Antonlin Scalia
    Country: US

    The film has won the 2018 National Critics Association Award and is a serious contender for the 2019 Oscar for Best Documentary.

    The 84-year-old U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is a legend respected by people from all over the world.Justice Ginsburg, often referred to simply as RBG, is already a contemporary cultural icon.The film chronicles the life of Ginsberg.

    Ginsburg's father is a first-generation American immigrant and his mother is a second-generation immigrant. They teach their daughters the idea of ​​independence and self-improvement. Ginsburg was a diligent and studious from an early age.

    After getting into Harvard Law School, she met her husband, Martin. Ginsburg went on to become a well-known women's rights lawyer with outstanding contributions to the fight for equal rights of women in the United States to work, education, and development. Her husband has been very supportive of her career. The husband and wife work side by side in careers, public welfare, and raising older children.

    Ginsburg was appointed to the U.S. federal court by Clinton in 1993. In the Trump era, the neutral Ginsburg is seen as a beacon of justice. After experiencing difficulties such as her husband's cancer and her own two cancers, Ginsburg still sticks to her post and never backs down.

    In contemporary America, Ginsburg is not only a legal legend, but also an icon of popular culture. Young people wear her head on T-shirts, carry them on bags, and even tattoo them on their bodies. The spirit of diligence and self-improvement and adherence to justice she represents has also affected the world across borders.


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    Title: hello?

    reviewd by: @movie_admin


    Title: I want to know more about her

    reviewd by: @movie_admin2

    Where can i read about her

    Title: hello???

    reviewd by: @movie_admin2

    anyone can give me a link?

    Title: when did you see it

    reviewd by: @movie_admin2

    tell me more

    Title: I wish i could be like her

    reviewd by: @movie_user3

    I want to be as brave

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